An Agency Profile can be accessed from the Agency List which is located in the main navigation in the upper right of any page. There are multiple actions that can be performed while on the Agency Profile.
Adding and Editing Activities for the Agency
- To add an Activity while on an Agency Profile, click on the Actions button in the lower right and then choose + Activity from the menu. Matrix will automatically fill in the Agency name for you and you can fill in the rest of the information and save it.
- To edit an Activity while on an Agency Profile, expand the Upcoming Activities or the Active History section and tap on the name of the Activity that you wish to edit. Matrix will load a page allowing you to edit the existing values before finally saving it.
- Pro Tip! Swipe your upcoming activities to the left in order to expose a quick Complete button that will allow you to complete the activity without editing it. Of course if you have information from your call or meeting you’ll want to tap on the activity instead in order to update it.
Adding and Editing Contact for the Agency
- To add a Contact while on an Agency Profile, click on the Actions button in the lower right and then choose + Contact from the menu. Matrix will automatically fill in the Agency name and address information (if your Agency has this) for you and you can fill in the rest of the information and save it.
- To edit a Contact while on an Agency Profile, expand the Contacts section and tap on the name of the Contact that you wish to edit. Matrix will load the respective Contact Profile page where you’ll find an Edit button at the bottom just like the Agency Profile. Tapping this Edit button will allow you to edit the Contact’s address information.

Adding and Editing Deals for the Agency
- To add a Deal while on an Agency Profile, click on the Actions button in the lower right and then choose + Deal from the menu. Matrix will automatically fill in the Agency name for you and you can fill in the rest of the information and save it. An Account is required in order to save your deal, however. Don’t forget to update the dollars on the deal for each of your Outlets that you are selling.
- To edit a Deal while on an Agency Profile, expand the Deals section and tap on the Name of the Deal that you wish to edit. Matrix will load the respective Deal page where you’ll find an Edit button for the overall deal where you can change things like the Sales Stage or add a Contact to it as well as the ability to edit the individual Outlets on the deal with their expect dollar amounts.
Keyword Search: Android, iOS, Mobile, Agency Profile, Add agency contacts on mobile, add agency deals on mobile, edit agency contacts on mobile, edit agency deals on mobile,edit agency activities on mobile