Matrix Support

Notes for March 1, 2025


  • Enhanced the grouping option of hierarchies on the financial reports to allow you the ability to only show the groups (after grouping a hierarchy click one more time to set the hierarchy to a group only view) and bypass the individual items before expanding to the next hierarchy level. Later releases will expand this functionality to all reports where group displays are available. 
  • The Demographic Field can be used for budgeting in your next budget season. Please make sure to reach out to your Success Manager if you wish to explore this field for budgeting. 
  • The Administrator can set a blocklist for use with Clarity that prevents all users from syncing any calendar events, emails, or activities when the contacts have the specified email address or domain noted.  
  • Activities synced from Monarch to Outlook via Clarity without a Start and End time will be created as all day events in Outlook and set with the status of “Busy”. It is recommended that start and end times exist when known to have the best experience in any calendaring solution and to not miss your meetings or suggestions for open times in your calendar for the future. 
  • Corrected an issue where the months were not sorting correctly when updating budget values.  
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